An independent brand consultancy dedicated to helping startups, service providers, and content creators elevate their digital presence — without agency prices.

How we work

  • Transform your digital home with our bespoke and custom website design and development packages. You’ll walk away feeling confident and distinguished. After all, when you look good, you feel good.

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  • Unlock your brand's potential with our 1:1 strategy calls. Our sessions are designed to provide you with personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs. We dive deep into your brand vision, refine your messaging, and develop actionable strategies to attract your ideal clients. This is your opportunity to gain clarity, confidence, and a clear roadmap to elevate your brand. These impactful, strategic conversations will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take bold steps forward.

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  • Our month-to-month retainer service is designed to elevate your brand and increase your sales. With personalized 1:1 coaching, weekly calls, unlimited text messaging, and dedicated support for "busy work," you'll transform your business in record time.

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We’re kinda in this together. Once you step off the off beaten path, you get how self-reliant you have to become. That’s why it’s crucial that we have each other. To learn from one and an other, to vent, to hold each other accountable but mostly to remind each of us how incredible and gigantic we truly are.

We’re kinda in this together. Once you step off the off beaten path, you get how self-reliant you have to become. That’s why it’s crucial that we have each other. To learn from one and an other, to vent, to hold each other accountable but mostly to remind each of us how incredible and gigantic we truly are.

We’re kinda in this together. Once you step off the off beaten path, you get how self-reliant you have to become. That’s why it’s crucial that we have each other. To learn from one and an other, to vent, to hold each other accountable but mostly to remind each of us how incredible and gigantic we truly are.

We’re kinda in this together. Once you step off the off beaten path, you get how self-reliant you have to become. That’s why it’s crucial that we have each other. To learn from one and an other, to vent, to hold each other accountable but mostly to remind each of us how incredible and gigantic we truly are.

We’re kinda in this together. Once you step off the off beaten path, you get how self-reliant you have to become. That’s why it’s crucial that we have each other. To learn from one and an other, to vent, to hold each other accountable but mostly to remind each of us how incredible and gigantic we truly are.

Brand Consultancy








Our Offers

The Studio

( your authenticity makes you gigantic )

our ethos

We transform brand visions into reality. We take you from playing small to acting gigantic by aligning every action with your highest ambitions. By embracing bold perspectives and delivering comprehensive strategies, bespoke website designs, and transformative brand coaching, we craft brand identities that stand out in a crowd. This ensures you become the market leader you aspire to be.


At Studio Giant, we awaken the giant within you. Our methodology is designed to unleash your authentic voice. We'll help you clarify your brand vision, create irresistible offers, and develop a content ecosystem that attracts your ideal clients.

By building a soulful community and a sustainable selling model, we enable you to scale beyond six figures without sacrificing your time and energy. We’ll align your voice with your content, transitioning you from uncertainty to generous transparency, fostering audience growth and a scalable business.

Founder, Kelsey Kleiman

it’s time to become gigantic

hard & fast rules

the giant vision

( With Kelsey - Consultant, Designer + Developer )

In my brand-building work, I focus on the transformative power of both business and personal growth. I excel at helping clients develop a clear brand vision and organize big creative ideas into manageable pieces. My goal is to assist you in regulating your nervous system and developing sustainable business practices, enabling you to feel calm while asserting your creative authority. Once your vision and strategy are in place, we move to the fun part—the new look. Together, we co-create a gorgeous digital home for your brand, the one you've dreamed of showing off, like a stunning Architectural Digest feature but for business.

I love just about every part of the process from start to finish. From hearing your dreams and visions to Pinterest boarding, wireframing, and even coding/development. But what I love most is seeing you transform. Watching clients go from feeling lost and shy about their brand to excited, clear, and confident is what I show up for.

I believe that building brand momentum stems from the energy of excitement, self-belief, and UN-APOLOGETIC self-expression. I'll always encourage you to take risks and push boundaries, but with me, you won't feel like you're jumping off a cliff. With nervous system-informed strategy, I am your go-to strategist extraordinaire.

I've learned the hard way that doing business alone is no fun. So why not do it together with your brand bestie. I'll help you illuminate your authentic inner giant, so it shines through in your digital presence.

We’re an independent brand consultancy helping startups, service providers and content-creators elevate their gigantic presence through bespoke websites, insightful strategy, and holistic coaching. 

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