The Gigantic Brand Builder

You’ve got the passion and a gigantic brand vision, but how do you translate this into a thriving business with great sales? It’s time to get a clear, step-by-step path to actualize your business goals. When you know what you want and how to get there, you finally feel free and confident in your workflow. The Gigantic Brand Builder is here to help you transform your brand into a giant one.





the gigantic brand builder

Let me guess, you’ve been struggling to find your unique brand voice, marketing feels overwhelming, and you've tried posting on social media but saw little results. 

( I know this feeling, because I’ve been there myself )

The Gigantic Brand Builder will help you awaken your inner giant (AKA a confident entrepreneur), providing a clear, strategic path to define your brand voice and convert leads into sales. This comprehensive approach empowers you to achieve the financial freedom you desire, guiding you through every step of building a successful and impactful brand.

You’re ready to:

  • Build a sustainable business/creative endeavor that aligns with your financial goals 💸

  • Create a content strategy that aligns with your purpose, passion, and natural storytelling voice 📗

  • Productize core offers, systems, and workflows to eliminate energy leaks and allow space for your creativity 🗃️

  • Understand revenue growth and profitability to strategically scale to 6 and 7 figures 📈

do you have the symptoms too?

  • You've tried posting on social media, but it's not working.

  • You’re worried about where your next client or customers will come from.

  • Your profits are low, and you’re not sure how to turn things around.

  • You find it hard to talk confidently about your brand, feeling tension about putting yourself out there. You dream of being seen as a leader but it doesn’t feel real.

  • You're constantly tinkering with things to delay stepping out of your comfort zone, leading to analysis paralysis.

  • You don’t know where to start with marketing, leaving you feeling super stuck.

  • You’re seeking a deeper connection with your inner confidence. You know deep down there’s a powerful leader within you.

  • Extra

Do you spend hours ideating concepts in your head, only to find you have an overflowing notes app but no idea what to do next? Here’s the truth: going at it alone can put you on the struggle bus.

You don't need to grind your gears alone. Co-creating your vision with me puts you into hyper speed by giving you a clear plan of action. With a day-by-day, step-by-step guide, you'll finally actualize your giant brand vision with confidence. When you know what you want and how to get there, you’ll finally feel free.

Who you want to be and what you want to achieve already resides within you. We call that your inner giant. I'm here to help you awaken that giant. 

Only 2 spots remaining! Transform your brand today with the Gigantic Brand Builder.

Book a call to learn more

the gigantic brand builder

The Gigantic Brand Builder isn’t just another expensive, fluffy coaching package. It's a comprehensive overhaul designed to streamline your business and translate your vision into a tangible roadmap. I’m here to help you clarify your vision, step by step, so you feel free in your creative process.

Get Ready To

Create a content strategy that aligns with your purpose, passion, and natural storytelling voice.

Understand revenue growth and profitability to strategically scale to 6 and 7 figures.

Clearly communicate your brand's transformation and point of view through aligned messaging and positioning.

Create marketing campaigns around your core offers, mastering the art of launching - learn the technique, rhythms, and nuances, and go with the flow.

Ideate intentional core offers that excite you and connect you with your audience.

Get the hang of social media. Use best practice posts, captions, and visuals, while also identifying your brand's aesthetic and visual identity.

Productize core offers, systems, and workflows to eliminate energy leaks and allow space for your creativity.

Refine your web copy so it is engineered to sell.

Here’s how we’ll do it:




We ensure you stay on track with tailored goals and benchmarks, making sure every step is aligned with your brand's growth.




Have burning questions? Get them answered directly in our weekly "Ask Me Anything" sessions, providing you with continuous support and guidance.



While we provide proven frameworks for success, we celebrate your individuality. There’s nothing “paint-by-numbers” about our approach— we tailor the strategies to fit your style and needs.




From social media to SEO, we help you craft content strategies that resonate with your audience while boosting your online presence.

Brand &



Dive deep into refining your offers, messaging, and launch strategies, ensuring everything you present is polished and compelling.


Kelsey is an exceptional Brand Strategist and Business Coach. As a solopreneur navigating the business landscape alone, I often grappled with the uncertainty of my ideas and how to market them best. Through Kelsey's coaching, I gained clarity. She guided me in identifying my target market, crafting detailed client avatars, and refining my services.

Her invaluable problem-solving and empathic listening skills, professionalism, and keen artistic sense set her apart. Each meeting with Kelsey was meticulously organized and highly productive, providing actionable steps that propelled me forward. Without her guidance, I would have undoubtedly felt lost.

Kelsey simplified the complexities of startup operations, delivering a website, a compelling brand narrative, and marketing materials that I proudly share with clients. Her cutting-edge approach, care, and seamless processes make her an exceptional choice.

Having someone deeply invested in my success, guiding me step by step without overwhelming me, has been invaluable. Positive feedback on my branding and increased clients and sales validate her impact. I highly recommend her!

- Kacey Thomas

I am currently working with Kelsey on the rebranding of our organization. Over my career, I have gone through at least six rebranding exercises on different projects, so I know what to expect. With Kelsey, the process has been so easy. She is organized, thoughtful and most importantly, she knows the end game and how to get us to the finish line. There is never a question of where we are in the process, plus she has an incredible way of breaking out the big picture into snap shots that are easily digestible. All this with a sense of humor and a determination to get us to go beyond the norm. I will be recommending Kelsey to all my colleagues.

-Ruth Winbauer

When I first reached out to Kelsey, I was a lost puppy dog. I’d spent the last year trying to launch my own business as a life coach and had officially hit a dead end. I was burnt out, had lost all of my motivation, and was about to give up on my dreams. I had no idea what to do but luckily, Kelsey did.

I can’t believe the change I have experienced in the last three months. I’ve transformed into a business owner and person I never thought I could be. With Kelsey’s guidance, I’ve been able to build a brand that I am truly passionate about. Her brand stategy book has helped me identify my strengths through self reflection, giving me the knowledge to run my business with confidence. She has provided me with a roadmap which has helped me identify my authentic voice leading me to create not only my core offer but a second one as well. Since working with Kelsey, I have gained knowledge I didnt know I needed which has led me to have a newfound confidence that I had lost along the way. I feel like a renewed version of myself, I believe in myself and my business again.

Choosing to work with Kelsey is without a doubt, the best decision I have made. Her influence has not only revitalized my business but has also rekindled a sense of self-assurance and passion that I thought was forever lost. Her knowledge is invaluable, she is so well versed in all aspects of business, she is a one stop shop. While the future may hold uncertainty, there is one thing I am certain of, I will be keeping Kelsey by my side for the entire business journey.

- Mariah Blueher

with the Gigantic brand builder you’ll get

Weekly 1:1 Calls

Dive deep and stay aligned with your goals.

Unlimited Messaging

Get your questions answered between Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm. I’ll help you problem solve with active campaigns in real time.

Busy Work expertise

Up to 2 hours per week to assist in copy editing, marketing materials, website updates and other necessary tasks.

Custom Dashboard

A personalized Notion dashboard to track your progress seamlessly.


  • 1 month commitment $2500/mo

  • 3 month commitment $2250/mo

  • 6 month commitment $2000/mo

Spaces are limited—only 2 spots left!

Claim your spot to start acting on your gigantic brand vision


Consultant, Designer + developer

I focus on the transformative power of both business and personal growth. I excel at helping clients develop a clear brand vision and organize big creative ideas into manageable pieces. My goal is to assist you in regulating your nervous system, enabling you to feel calm while asserting your creative authority. I believe that building brand momentum stems from the energy of excitement, self-belief, and unapologetic self-expression. I encourage you to take risks and push boundaries without feeling like you are jumping off a cliff.


  • Regain control of your time, focusing on what truly grows your business.

  • Increase your sales with strategic, targeted marketing.

  • Develop a cohesive plan, eliminating the guesswork from your marketing.

  • Enhance your online presence, ensuring your brand stands out in a crowded market.

  • Build confidence in your business decisions with expert guidance and support.

  • Step 1: Apply for the Retainer

    Jumpstart your journey by applying for the retainer. It’s quick and simple, setting the stage for transformative changes.

  • Step 2: Develop a Comprehensive Plan

    Together, we'll craft a detailed plan tailored to your specific business and marketing goals. This roadmap will guide all strategic initiatives, ensuring alignment with your vision.

  • Step 3: Implement New Marketing Operations and Workflows

    We'll introduce efficient new marketing operations designed to save you time and increase productivity. Once these systems are in place, you'll spend less time on busy work and more on what really matters—growing your business.

  • The Outcome

    By joining the Gigantic Brand Builder, you not only save time but also enhance your profitability through processes that work.

  • New List Item

    Description goes here


  • The program includes personalized coaching, marketing plan development, new workflow implementation, unlimited text messaging, weekly calls, and a custom Notion dashboard.

  • By optimizing and automating your marketing operations and workflows, you'll reduce time spent on routine tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic growth activities.

  • No long-term commitment is required. The program operates on a flexible month-to-month basis, but you can choose a 6-month contract to save $3000.

  • It’s designed for creative service providers like coaches, designers, and content creators who want to streamline their marketing efforts and grow their business.

  • The program is perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike. We tailor the coaching and resources to your specific level of experience and needs.

  • There are only 2 spots available to ensure personalized attention and quality service for each client.

  • Yes, part of our service includes up to 2 hours of “expert busy work” help each week, which can be directed towards specific projects or tasks you need assistance with.

  • Weekly calls are a mix of progress checks, Q&A sessions where you can ask anything, and strategic planning discussions to keep you moving forward effectively.

  • You can cancel at any time. If you're on a month-to-month plan, just give us notice before your next billing cycle begins.

You don't need to keep playing small and feeling stuck—it's time to act giant and transform your brand into the success you know you can create.